Praise for SBlog

You know when writers do that thing?

Yeah, you know that thing, when they release a beta version of their book—a pre-release to a select audience so they can gauge reaction and bag sexy preemptive feedback? Once they get that feedback they pop it in the book ready for the official release. And it looks summat like this: Early Praise for [INSERT BOOK TITLE].

Well, I didn’t do that (because I don’t have a book, I’m not a real writer—fuck my life).

But I did scrape some feedback from my social media, cobbled it together and dumped it here, as a sort of social proof of why SBlog is pretty good.

Side note: the people who read and enjoy my work don’t often ‘like’ or comment publically on here. I can only assume they’re deeply ashamed to admit this particular guilty pleasure.

Anyway, here’s what a *very* select group of people are saying about SBlog…

“THANK YOU for your newsletter yesterday! Bloody loved it! I'm only on the free version but I WILL be signing up for the full frontal version!”

“Your blog about swearing is hilarious and true!”

"Because I'm a fully-fledged pervert like you. And I f*cking adore the way you write ❤️ Hence, I've subscribed."

“You definitely have a way with words and an awesome imagination.”

“What a triumph.”

“I loved this one and then I ended up on the one from the 9th of June, dying!! Also, very relatable unexpected experience!”

“Read, subscribed with immediate effect.”

“BraFuckingVo as per.”

This has got to be the best piece of satire I’ve read in a long time. You’re hilarious!”