What the hell is SBlog?

It means Sarah’s Blog. (Yeah, it took me ages to come up with the title. I also like putting an ‘s’ in front of certain words—it’s a private joke—don’t ask, it’s a really boring story.)

Yes, ‘blog’ is decidedly 00s so, as of now, I’m calling this thing a column because it plays to my pretentious nature.

Who is SBlog?

Just little old me, Sarah Wilson-Blackwell. By day I bosh out funny SEO content writing for business types. I may occasionally share some of that guff with you but this place will mostly be filled with the ponderings of a miserable bastard; hi, nice to meet ya.

Why should you subscribe to SBlog?

The question we should all be asking is why shouldn’t you? Coz ladies and gents and others, you’d be seriously missing out.

Subscribe and I’ll give you JOY, the kind they express in tampon adverts. Grab SBlog and escape to a world that will make you laugh and think (and gross you out).

And we all want that, we all want to get away from our lives for a moment, no matter how wonderful because let’s be honest, even perfection gets fucking dull.

Here’s what you can escape to…

Articles about anything and everything: gender, relationships, Simon Cowell, feelings, creepy 70s pop performers (and quite a lot of things that make you go ‘ewww…’).

Satirical parody news articles from The Gubb. (Think The Daily Mash/The Onion only not as good.)

Yes, even grown-ups love story time. And these tales will be especially NSFW.

So, if you like reading funny, cynical adult content, subscribe.

You can sub for free.

But if you want full access to SBlog—and to NEVER miss an update, then you can switch to a paid subscription at any time.

What do you get if you pay?

Original written content from yours truly. And if that isn’t incentive enough, there’s this:

  • Never before published articles and short stories

  • 33% discount if you sub for a year

  • A warm feeling that you’re supporting a creative that has lovingly crafted content for your reading pleasure

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WARNING: All my content contains swearing and adult themes.

Subscribe to SBlog

I'm Sarah Wilson-Blackwell and I write about stuff that pisses me off/makes me laugh.


Writer, blogger, content SEOer and general grumpy bugger.